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We offer a low cost or even free solution where our success is directly tied to your success.  To meet the needs of the wide variety of use cases we offer two routes to deployment, both described below.  Or contact us at if you have different objectives in mind. 

Developer License

Paid Usage
Developer License

Who is meant for

VR/AR installations


Optional content or
game modes


Independent developers



Games and fitness apps using motion input as core technology


When you are also integrating the user's smart device into the experience

How it works

Connect your interactive application from desktop, console or server with our Pose Camera app running on your customers' devices

Sign an agreement with us, receive our SDK and embed our AI engine in your own mobile application. Pair with your desktop, console or server application

How much does it cost

It's like requiring your users to use a periphery device.


Nothing for the developer.


The end user needs to subscribe to our
Pose Camera app
(roughly $5.99 per year)

Contact us to discuss our low cost per Unique User


Subscription or
recurring revenue License:
per Monthly User 


Single sale License
(i.e. PC/Console game)
per unit sold

What is in the SDK / What is the API

Pose Camera App
(we manage)


Unreal LiveLink plugin
and demo project


Unity3D script
and demo project


Python server example

PoseAI Engine Dynamic Framework​ for iOS


iOS Demo App


Unreal LiveLink plugin
and demo project


Unity3D script
and demo project


Python server example

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